The gentleman actor and director for his fifth direction (Rama Shama Bhava, Sathyavan Savithri, Venkata in Sankata, Accident) ‘Nam Anna Don’ has thought of a novel attempt to find what the children feel about the film. To the taste of the children Ramesh Aravind has decided to come out with special posters of NSD.
The main reason behind thinking like this is that Ramesh Aravind as Dr Arjun in the film is found always with 40 children even at the operation theatre in the funniest way of his screenplay. Children are having major share in this film and so Ramesh Aravind felt it right to derive the posters according to children observation.
On last Saturday at Malleswaram Ramesh Aravind assembled around 800 children and explained them what the film ‘Nam Anna Don’ in brief. He asked the children to either draw or write their opinion on what do they feel about the film. Based on this he will arrive at the posters of ‘Nam Anna Don’ especially for children.
Mona Parveresh an Iranian is the heroine. Popular kannada actors, Sanathani, AchutRao,Raju Talikote,Umesh, Rajendra Karanth are also in cast. Mathews Manu is new music director. Kriashna Kumar is cameraman and Soundar raj has edited the film.
Slated for release in this month ‘Nam Anna Don’ is produced by Lav Kush Productions Ravi Joshi and Vikram Hospital is associated with this film.
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