The film yet again brings back the on-screen couple that is Neha Dhupia and Vinay Pathak. The story of the film revolves around protagonist Vidyadhar Acharya (Vinay Pathak) who is new in a big city like Mumbai. He meets his counter part cum his neighbor Mehak Malavde (Neha Dhupia) who unlike Vidyadhar knows the nitty-gritty of surviving in the race. She is a chorus dancer and full of life. They are poles apart as people and are constantly at logger heads citing their opposite lifestyles.
The story lacks the novelty factor and seems dragging at times. However the performance by the lead stars manages to hold on the interest of the audience and is the only highlight of the film. The film seems a bit too long at times as you get a feeling of déjà vu while watching it. It reminds you of many been there seen that films.
Vinay Pathak who redefines the cult status with each of his performance wins your heart with this one as well. Neha is certainly proving her self better with each of performances in recent times. But the biggest disappointment comes when critically acclaimed actors like Rajat Kapoor, Naseeruddin Shah and Sanjay Mishra don’t get much scope to perform. Nevertheless the crackling chemistry between Neha and Vinay is commendable.
Director Saurabh Shukla is successful in getting good performances from his actors in the film but alas the weak story does no good to their performances. Another biggest drawback of the film is its repetitive and predictable nature. Dialogues of the film fail to attract your attention and same goes for music which is not outstanding for a film that supposedly has a dance-music background.
Plus Points:
Minus Points:
Final Word:
Nothing exceptional but could be watched once with friends, especially if you are a fan of Vinay Pathak.
Genre: Romance - Comedy
Banner: A Vision India Pvt Ltd
Cast: Neha Dhupia, Vinay Pathak
Music Director: Malhar Patekar
Producer: Ravindra Singh, Sameer Jain
Director: Saurabh Shukla
Ratings: 2/5
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