This is the time for new born babies in Bollywood. After Sanjay Dutt, Preeti Jhangiani, Aishwarya Rai and Aamir Khan getting their progenies, now it is long legged beauty shilpa shetty’s turn. Yes, the glowing look of Shilpa these days has the actual reason behind in the form of her conception. The actress turned entrepreneur and her husband Raj Kundra are expecting their first child soon as Shilps is currently in second trimester.
While inner reports say that, Shilpa had a miscarriage earlier this year, this time her hubby Raj wanted to take care till first trimester completes successfully. As per a report, Shilpa is now sharing the news with close friends keeping up his day to day physical fitness schedule on high priority with yoga topping her regular chart. Raj Kundra is also allotting maximum time to Shilpa as he wanted to make sure that she will have a smooth delivery.
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