Pawan Kalyan’s craze is towered at new highs with each day and each movie. He is immune to hits and flops while others who depend on his movies are eager to benefit from the release of ‘panjaa.’ First among these benefactors are director Vishnuvardhan, actor Adivi Sesh and both the heroines Sarah Jane Dias, Anjali Lavania. With the kind of response coming from Fans sections, result is clear that ‘panjaa’ is a must watch flick only because of Pawan Factor and there is nothing more.
In fact the chic taking of Vishnuvardhan is a plus. Adivi Sesh’s performance is a revelation of new villain artist on Telugu screen. Sarah Jane Dias is not an instant eye catcher but has the expanse to hold the attention of audience for entire length of a movie. Anjali Lavania is seductive and a possible threat to second fiddle, item roles. Well, it might take at least a week or more to see how far and how many among these four will gain a ground in Tollywood.
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