KV Anand is packing his bags off to Bollywood. The 'Ayan' and 'Ko' maker, who is currently busy working with Suriya for 'Maatraan', will start his Hindi project soon. It will have Ranbir Kapoor playing the lead role.
To be produced by R S Infotainment, the company behind some of the recent hits of Kollywood including 'Ko' the movie will kick-start sometime next year, that is after the release of 'Maatraan'.
"KV Anand always believes in doing one film at a time. So the cinematographer-director will start shooting the Ranbir starrer only after fully finishing work on Maatraan," sources in the know say.
On 'Maatraan', they say, "The film's shooting is nearing completion. Post production work will start soon and the movie may hit the screens by March or April next year. The output so far is so good."
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