It seems that Bollywood actor, Vivek Oberoi has given up to apologize to Bollywood actor Salman Khan. The ‘Prince’ actor claims that he had apologized to the ‘Bodyguard’ actor several times in the past, but Salman is in no mood to accept Vivek’s apology. Since then Vivek has decided that now he won’t apologize to Salman.
Salman and Vivek got friends to foe just because of their one time dream women-Aishwarya Rai.
Vivek called a Press Conference in year 2003, claiming that the ‘Wanted’ star is threatening him by giving phone calls
to leave Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who was that time Vivek’s love interest. Since that incident Salman has got so much upset with Vivek that he is not willing to forgive the ‘Saathiya’ actor. Salman and Aishwarya dated each other for four years, later on the blue-eyed beauty dumped Salman for Vivek and now is married to Abhishek Bachchan.
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