Soon to be bride, Bollywood actor Genelia D' Souza has planned her hubby to be Ritesh's birthday. Genelia wants to make Ritesh's birthday more memorable as this would his last birthday of bachelor's life. The couple will get married by February 5,2011. Genelia would be throwing a bash at a Five star hotel and the 'Force' actor will invite all the friends of the couple from Bollywood.
Genelia revealed that since this would be Ritz, Riteish Deshmukh's last single birthday, she will make sure to make it a
grand one. Even Ritiesh would also be getting a grand Bachelor party by his Industry's close friends Sajid Khan, Fardeen Khan and Tusshar Kapoor. Ritiesh has been a very private person and is not a party animal at all. The ‘Kya Super Cool Hai Hum' actor has also announced to keep his wedding a low key affair and would only invite close friends of the couple's families.
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