Bollywood’s dusky beauty, Deepika Padukone has now developed interest in her one time sweetheart, Indian cricketer, Yuvraj Singh. The couple dated for few months in year 2008 after which the leggie beauty dumped the cricketer for Bollywood actor, Ranbir Kapoor.
Deepika had shared lot of special memories with the Indian Cricketer. She even celebrated one of her birthday with the all-rounder cricketer. Soon the couple’s relationship got sour after Deepika discovered over-possessive behavior of Yuvraj. Recently when Deepika learned about a non-malignant tumour, which the cricket star was facing, she thoroughly called him and even texted him ‘Get well soon’ message.
Well it’s too early to predict that is there something brewing within the ex-flames or was it just Deepika’s friendly gesture as the ‘Break Ke Baad’ actor have always maintained a cordial relation with her exes like the one she currently have with Ranbir Kapoor.
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