It was recently confirmed that Shah Rukh Khan and Kareena Kapoor will star in Rohit Shetty’s film ‘Chennai Express’ that is touted to be an action comedy flick. The film is reportedly in its scripting stage as only the initial ideas have been exchanged between the stars. Nevertheless it has been apparently decided that after Kareena, Shah Rukh and Rohit complete their respective commitments in mid 2012, they will immediately start the shooting in the same period.
Regardless of the fact that they will start the shooting in mid 2012, the team plans to release the film on the eve of Eid only in the following year. That means if all goes as per the plan the film may release in Eid 2013. The Eid slot has been dominated by Salman Khan since last few years and with King Khan already planning the release so well in advance it will be interesting to see if Salman decides to clash with him on that eve.
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