It is believed that highly acclaimed filmmaker Vidhu Vinod Chopra is gearing up to take his next film on floors. The film is a two hero project and is tentatively titled as ‘Chithiyaan’ with an assumed plot of a love triangle. The project is in its initial stage where the casting and scripting is finalized. While the film’s second lead is finalized in the name of Sharman Joshi (he has been the camp’s favorite since quite some time now), the main lead is yet to be finalized.
Bollywood’s leading Kapoors’ namely Ranbir Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor are front runners in bagging this coveted role. While Vidhu intends to rope in Ranbir for the lead, Shahid too is interested in bagging the film. Vidhu has met Ranbir quite a number of times and Shahid too has been involved in talks for the offer. The official declaration over the cast is expected to be made soon.
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