It’s been quite a long time now that Bollywood’s hot couple, Anushka Sharma and Ranveer Singh has parted their ways but love-struck Anushka is still fond of Ranveer. The actor revealed in a candid chat with the media that she has developed genuine fondness for her ex-flame, Ranveer and also admitted that he is more an inspiration to the leggie beauty. Anushka is all praises for her ‘Band Bajaa Baraat’ co-star. She lately also compared her ex-beau’s acting with Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s acting. Anushka and Ranveer continue to be friends even after their break-up and recently Ranveer also admitted that if he gets a chance he would again like to date Anushka.
Ranveer and Anushka acted together in Ranveer’s debut film ‘Band Bajaa Baraat’. Their upcoming flick, ’Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl’ released today. Well now only Ranveer and Anushka can tell whether they are really fond of each other or are giving such statements just to promote their upcoming film?
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