Sunny Leone aka Karen Malhotra has been roped in by Film maker Mahesh Bhatt for his upcoming flick,’ Murder 3’. This film will mark the debut of the Mahesh Bhatt’s son, Rahul Bhatt. Initially Emraan Hashmi had been signed for this movie. It was also been learnt that Mahesh Bhatt was planning to launch his son, Rahul opposite Sunny in a film titled,’ Blue Film’. But Sunny declined the role and due to some reasons the project got shelved. Rahul Bhatt is also excited to work with the porn star.
Sunny Leone has currently participated in the reality show, ’Bigg Boss’ and is inside the house with the inmates being unaware of who she really is. Sunny is an Indo-Canadian Porn star. She was named Penthouse Pet of the Year in 2003. She belongs to a Punjabi family and India is the second home to the 30 year old. She was also named one of the top 12 X-rated actresses in 2010.
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