The wild rumors of Ranveer and Sonakshi sharing screen were put to rest when it was recently made public that Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha have been signed to star in Vikramaditya Motwane’s next film ‘Lootera’. However now we hear that the film was never meant to have only one female lead as the script demanded two more female actresses as parallel leads apart from the Sinha girl. However Sonakshi who had once quoted to do only solo heroine films had qualms over sharing screen with other actresses in the film. Sonakshi conveyed her discomfort in doing the film with two more actresses. And as she conveyed her unwillingness to share screen with two more contemporaries, the creative team apparently tweaked the script to meet Sonakshi’s demand. And as Sonakshi demanded the film was announced as a solo heroine film only.
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