‘Pravadi’ Kannada cinema is also making use of the charisma left out by late Shanker Nag. On last year birth anniversary of late actor Shanker Nag the film ‘Pravadi’ went on the floor at The Bell Hotel and at the same hotel this year birth anniversary four and half minutes animated Shanker Nag clips were shown. The director and original producer – Zia Ullah Khan and Anaji Nagaraj left the scene. Only Bhyrava Suresh is left out on this whopping product.
Bhyrava Suresh independently producing the film contacting his California friends on the animation character of Shanker Nag. He is almost through in his work and by February he has plans to shoot with real characters working with Animated Shanker Nag.
By next birth anniversary he has intention to release it in theatres. On Wednesday morning the Shanker Nag remembrance was via offering petals and showing the animated Shanker Nag character and cutting the huge cake with one of the hardcore Shanker Nag fan present at The Bell Hotel.
I am doing a long battle for this Animation film with Shanker Nag and real life characters in it. For four and half minute’s animation of Shanker Nag I have spent eight months and enough of money on it. There are eight to ten big artists in this film and we try to get the Shanker Nag colleagues in the film. It will be in 4K resolution and Shanker Nag will be shown as ‘Super Man’. In the Indian film history this is for the first time in Motion Captures Technology we are doing ‘Pravadi’ says Bhyrava Suresh.
Raas Audio and Arun Raphole are the technical directors for this big budget cinema Sri Bhairaveshwara Film Planet.
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