Ravi Teja starrer Nippu in the direction of Gunasekhar is progressing at a rapid pace in Hyderabad. Recently, a schedule has been wrapped up in Pollachi. YVS Chowdary is producing the film on Bommarillu Vari banner.
YVS has informed recently that Gunasekhar is crafting the film with a right mix of action and entertainment. Though it has high voltage action, the second half of the film is being packed with uproarious comedy track between Ravi Teja and Brahmanandam, which will be one of the highlights of the film. The duo combo has earlier rocked in films like Kick, Anjaneyulu et al.
Ravi Teja, Gunasekhar and YVS have pinned huge hopes on this film as they are currently undergoing a rough phase. Thaman is composing the music for the film.
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