India’s most bankable star Salman Khan is the one superstar who has delivered three back to back blockbusters in a span of three years and is now gearing up for his Eid-release ‘Bodyguard’. While others consider Salman as a lucky factor for the action-comedy films, Salman himself just believes in destiny. Salman says that he hasn’t found a concrete formula to success and believes that till the lady luck is smiling on him, the going will be great. But despite of having luck by his side, Salman also believes that hard work is the key to success. Salman says that to ensure the flow of success one has to deliver the best performance for the people to applaud. He is even aware that once the performance starts getting monotonous and the moment people start getting bored any big star will fall flat on expectations. Salman stated that to keep people engrossed he has to ensure that he puts his best foot forward.
Salman even revealed that with success also comes god’s teaching that reminds you that nothing is going to stay forever and no one should let success hit one’s head.
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