Imran Khan recently launched a brand new reality show for a new entertainment channel amidst much media glare. The show allows one proven craziest fan of a superstar to live a day of the star’s life. Imran who recently shot for the episode had a crazy female fan for his company throughout the day. When Imran himself was quizzed on his dream life, the answer what he gave surprised us to the core. Imran who leads a dream-life and enjoys a great fan base says that he wants to lead a simple life minus any glamour or limelight. Imran says that being under the spotlight is not an easy task as it intrudes your personal life. He says that while people wish to live a star’s life he would love to live a common man’s life, have a 9 to 5 job enjoy holidays and weekends as well. Imran says that in his demanding profession there are no bank holidays or weekends.
Imran says that a star can never have those novelties which a common man enjoys. He says that at least a common man gets time to enjoy family time whereas the stars are deprived of this.
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