The evergreen actress, eloquent speaker yesteryears heartthrob from ‘Chattakarai, Julie’ and various films in South India Lakshmi is back in a reverse swing. She was heading the tearjerker ‘Kathe Alla Jeevana’ and now in a laughter with good values in it ‘Neena Naana’ heading the talk show at Suvarna satellite channel.
‘Neena Naana’ with the touch of Lakshmi is going on air from 23rd at 9 pm. It is on Saturday and Sunday. The purpose is to make everyone laugh and that is a good way of going to bed says Lakshmi. Focusing her attention the first episode of first bench and last bench students Lakshmi pointed that she belongs to middle benches in the class rooms. The children have small problems and that should be get rid off at the early stage. It should not be made to grow bigger she feels.
I am still a learner from ‘Kathe Alla Jeevana’ to this ‘Neena Naana’ she pointed.
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