For Upendra’s ‘Hollywood’ triple role Kannada cinema for a monkey popular actor Ramesh Bhat had given the voice over. That was a living object. Now for nonliving object ‘Cycle’ Upendra has dubbed the voice in the film ‘Maryadha Ramanna’ that stars Komalkumar in the lead. This is a remake of the same name in Telugu.
As a matter of fact the Komalkumar will be conversing with the cycle quite often. So Komalkumar opted for big catch. Upendra agreed for the demand of Komalkumar and producer Kumaresh Babu.
At the Balaji digital studio Upendra dubbed the voice for a cycle and that will be a kicking element for the film says actor Komalkumar.
The film has maintained frame to frame of Raja Mouli Telugu film ‘Maryadha Ramanna’. TVS Guruprasad has penned the dialogues and also directed the Kannada version. R Giri is the cameraman and MM Keeravani has given the original tunes for the film.
Nisha Shah, Mukesh Rishi, Doddanna, Rajesh, Dharma, Ramehs Bhat, Shivakumar, Deadly Danny, Bank Janardhan, Vijayasarathy, Shanker Bhat, Sihikahi Chandru, Pushpaswamy, Sridhar and others are in the cast.
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