Anushka Sharma the lady who made her Bollywood debut with Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ and later struck gold with her recently released film, ‘Band Baaaja Baraat’ was reported to be engaged to her alleged lover and co-star from the same film Ranveer Singh. Anushka was spotted with a stone on her ting finger that is where the gossip mills started churning out rumours.
But Anushka has clearly denied any such thing. She says that the ring she had worn was the first piece of jewelry that she bought from her first pay check. Anushka says that she is just 23 and has a lot more to do and achieve in life and so she would not get engaged or tie a knot so soon.
Both Anushka and Ranveer are since day one denying any thing that suggests of them being other than good friend, but their appearance and closeness at various social dos tells a different story.
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