Mahesh Bhatt recently announced his next venture ‘Jannat 2’ on Twitter that would star Kunal Khemu and Amrita Puri. However, the same day he announced that they have not finalized the name of the film and are not sure to call it ‘Jannat 2’. Bhatt invited his fans to send him suitable titles for the film that came pouring in.
Now, the Bhatts have finally decided the name of the film that will be Vishesh Films’ next production. Mahesh Bhatt announced the same on Twitter.
He tweets, “BLOOD MONEY is the title for our Kunal Khemu and Amrita Puri film which is directed by a brilliant new director Vishal Mahadkar.”
Now, Blood Money does sounds like a deadly title, doesn’t it? And given Bhatts stupendous box office history, we believe that the film is going to be a blockbuster.
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