Saif Ali Khan’s ‘Aarakshan’ is completed and is ready for release. He is currently working on his home productions ‘Cocktail’ with Deepika Padukone and ‘Agent Vonod’ but post these he will take a break from production and will only concentrate on acting. The Nawab has recently signed a film titled ‘Ghanchakkar’ that will be directed by the very talented Raj Kumar Gupta of ‘Aamir’ and ‘No One Killed Jessica’ fame.
Inspired by films like ‘Peepli Live’, ‘Phas Gaye Re Obama’ doing well at the box office, Gupta wanted to make a black comedy and so incepted ‘Ghanchakkar’. Saif instantly liked the idea and jumped on to the project.
The female lead of the film is not yet finalized but looking at Gupta’s record and having Saif in the lead, there should not be any denials from the top notch actresses of today.
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