Ever since Gabbar Singh hit the screens, the trade pundits have been saying that the benchmark for the film would be crossing Magadheera's records. On the other hand, the audience were divided into two sections on this topic. While some people opined that Pawan's film has got the chance to achieve such rare feats, the others said that it's never easy to surpass the records set by Magadheera.
After breaking the 1st Day, 1st week and Fastest Rs 50 crores records, Pawan Kalyan has set his eye on the 50 days centers. Till recently, Magadheera stood as No.1 in the Industry by completing 50 days in 301 centers. Gabbar Singh created a history in Tollywood by celebrating 50 days in 306 centers on June 29. This film also takes the credit of running in 250 direct centers, which happened for the first time in the Industry.
It's once again proven that if Pawan's film gets a positive talk, then the Box Office outcome will be beyond anyone's expectations. The next target for Gabbar Singh would be Magadheera's over all collections. Can this film achieve that herculean task too? Everything depends on Powerstar!
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