One of the most celebrated 'sishya' of star veteran director K Raghavendra Rao is none other than SS Rajamouli. But all this happened only after beating the odds by our Jakkanna.
During the times of working as an assistant to KRR, Rajamouli used to be somewhat reserved and slow in his works. At that time, Vara Mullapadi is another top associate of Raghavendra Rao who is gem of everything. A source revealed that everyone is advised by KRR to learn things from Vara Mullapudi as the senior director has lots of hopes on him. After Vara failed to do any magic at Box Office with 'Na Alludu' and 'Visakha Express', things have turned the other way. At the same time Rajamouli proved his capability and command over the subject through some blockbuster movies. Finally, Vara's place is replaced by Rajamouli in the forte of Raghavendra Rao.
One can understand how success redefines the position of any technician whether at Box Office or in the hearts of their 'gurus'.
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