South Indian Megastar Chiranjeevi had been issued a non-bailable warrant by a Court in Hosur. The actor turned Politician of Andhra Pradesh was issued the warrant on Wednesday for not appearing in person in a case related to alleged violation of election rules during campaigning in last year's assembly elections. The actor was to appear in this court on this ady and as he failed to appear, the judicial Magistrateof Denkanikota issued the warrant, say sources.
Earlier Megastar Chiranjeevi was at Hosur on April 9, 2011 to participate in election campaign in support of Congress candidate Gopinath and toured in Hosur, Bengaluru and Mathagiri villages. The Congress leader Mr Chiranjeevi, despite taking permission from election officials, along with four others participated in election campaign. The star is said to have violated the model code of conduct during his campaign in Bagalur and Berigai areas of Hosur constituency. A case was filed against those six in Hosur, on the same day by Mr. Prasad Mukund Vadamera, Election Returning Officer and Ms. Ramya Bharathi, DySP and seized seven vehicles used for election campaign.
While the four others attended regularly, it was matinee idol and Gopinath failed to appear in person at the court. The case was posted to August 2, and the judge issued a non-bailable warrant against Mr Chiranjeevi and Mr Gopinath. (With inputs from internet-AarKay)
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