Shahid Kapoor, the hearttrob of youth, has filed a complaint at the Versova Police Station against Bollywood legend late Raj Kumar's daughter Vastavikta, accusing her of stalking him since one year. Nearly nine months ago, Vastavikta moved next to Shahid's apartment building. Since then, she claims to be his wife, waits for him at the entrance gate, blocks his car's path and follows him to his shoots. Things took a serious turn, when she climbed the society's wall to reach the actor's apartment on the 13th floor.
Vastavikta's family says the girl is deeply in love with the actor and she also believes that she is married to him. She first met Shahid at dance classes few years ago, when he was gromming himself to become a well-rounded actor. On the other hand, Vastavikta debuted into Bollywood supernatural thriller 'Eight'.
Although Shahid was averse to lodge a complaint initially, the recent incident has forced him to think otherwise. The cops have already swung into action to investigate this high-profile case.
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