West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee has stated that they are going to start a TV channel and newspaper to properly highlight their government's work. Observers are saying that she might have got inspiration by looking at YS Jagan.
In a bid to put full stop to other news channels and news papers that are irking YSR and his party, the late-CM has started his channel and paper. With his son YS Jagan as the captain, the channel still continues to woo Telugu people. The channel is helping YS Jagan a lot to promote more about his newly established YSR party and their petty but serious comments against opposition. It also gives updates about his tours in different areas, which no channel bothers to cover about.
Likewise, Mamata Banerjee can also now use her channel to promote more about them and less about others, say observers. Off course, the opinion of public and leaders about Mamata and YS Jagan are quite contrast, but having media in hand is always a useful weapon.
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