actor Mahesh Manjrekar has recently admitted that it was filmmaker, buddy Sanjay Gupta who roped Manjrekar into acting. Manjrekar started his acting career through Sanjay Gupta's multi-starrer film 'Kaante' that became a smash hit and later Mahesh did more of Gupta's films that include 'Plan', 'Musafir' and 'Zinda'.
The filmmaker duo is now all set to work together in Balaji Motion Pictures’ upcoming gangster venture 'Shootout At Wadala' where Manjrekar would essay the role of a cop. Earlier, Gupta approached Mahesh to train his film's lead actor John Abraham in speaking Marathi. Later, Gupta even specially designed a role of Mahesh's character in the film. The multi starrer film has hit the floors and the shoot is on in full swing in Mumbai.
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