‘Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu’ is the new title for pawan kalyan’s film to be directed by Puri Jagannath. Apparently this monarchic director fresh from the success of ‘Businessman’ has got this peculiar movie name revealed for teaming with Power Star. Being honest for the efficient platform provided by Pawan for Puri with ‘Badri,’ it’s time for him to give something in return and this could be the project.
On the other side, when title matters the most in present day filmy world…pawan kalyan playing Photo Journalist in title
role as Ram Babu is great to hear. Nevertheless there is some sort of criticism flamed up on how Pawan agreed to take up this kind of a funny title. Absolute, acceptable truth behind is that, when pawan kalyan is the hero…who cares about title and nothing is the matter.
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