Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt along with Sahara's head honcho Subroto Roy paid a visit to megastar Amitabh Bachchan at Mumbai's Seven Hills Hospital. The 52-year-old actor prayed for veteran actor's speedy recovery. Amitabh underwent a minor stomach surgery reasoning an abdominal pain. The actor was about to get discharged yesterday, but to some undue reasons, he had to spend another day in the hospital. Sanjay admitted that he is a huge fan of the yesteryear actor and is praying for him to get back on the silver screen. Sanjay even admitted that he considers Sr. Bachchan as his family.
Apparently, the duo has earlier worked together in comedy flick 'Hum Kisise Kum Nahin' and ‘Kaante’. Buzz was going round that the duo would again together feature in Ram Gopal Verma's upcoming production venture 'Department' where the both actors would essay the role of a cop.
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