Actor Sunil, who has hit bull’s eye with Poola Rangadu, says that he is open to play usual comedian roles. But on the advice of his close friend Trivikram, he is right now sticking to do hero characters. It has been a custom for Trivikram’s movies to have Sunil in one of the key roles.
Allu Arjun’s movie with Trivikram will break this custom as the director is not ready to cast Sunil in a comedy role after his
successful stint as a hero. When Sunil requested Trivikram for a role in Allu Arjun’s film, the director cum writer denied to cast him in and gave him an advice to stay away from comedy characters at the moment.
Sunil, who is celebrating his birthday today, is all set to start his next venture as a hero soon. He is playing the lead role in Telugu remake of Bollywood hit Tanu Weds Manu.
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