'Sri Jagadguru Adi shankara' title logo and trailers were launched yesterday at film chamber in Hyderabad. Dasari Narayana Rao, Prasanna kumar, Sri Ramachandra, Koushik Babu, J K Bharavi and other film personalities from Tollywood were graced the logo launch and wished for the film’s success.
Writer JK Bharavi is directing this movie . This is a story that deals with complete life history of Jagadguru Adi shankaraya. Kutti NTR aka Kaushik Babu is playing the title role of the film and Indian Idol
Ramachandra is introducing as actor in this film. Nagarjuna and Upendra are seen in guest roles and Sai Kumar, Suman, Prakash Raj, Anand, Jayaprada, Roja, Rohini, Tulasi,etc are the other cast.
Nara Jayasri Devi producing this movie on Global Peace Creators banner. Naga Srivatsa composed the music and P K H Das handles the camera. The movie is expected to release in March.
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