Undoubtedly Saif Ali Khan's dream project 'Agent Vinod' is very much close to the actor's heart. He has already kept all his work and plans aside just to promote his upcoming production venture that is directed by Sriram Raghavan and that also features his lady love Kareena Kapoor. According to the grapevine, now the 41-year-old has already started planning to make his film a franchise.
Saif is so much optimistic and confident about his upcoming spy thriller that he has already planned a sequel for his film. In his recent media interaction, Saif revealed that if 'Agent Vinod' would succeed in getting good reviews and accolades from audience, he will surely consider a sequel of the film. Lately, Saif rubbished reports of fixing dates of his engagement and marriage with his long time girlfriend Kareena. Saif has made it clear that he would think about the 'M' word just after 'Agent Vinod' releases.
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