Music director RP Patnaik's latest directorial venture 'Facebook' has completed its shooting part and currently post production work is progressing at brisk pace in Hyderabad. This movie is made in both Tamil and Telugu at a time. 'Muga Pusthakam' is the title for the Tamil version.
In a press release director RP Patnayak stated that outcome of the movie is satisfactory, that is only because of the support form producer Vijaya Prasad and this movie will discuss about the importance of Facebook in present society. He hoped that after this movie release face book will get more users.
Nishal, Uday, Surya, Gemini Suresh, Archana Sharma, Nisha Shetty, Priti are the lead cast and Rao Ramesh, Chalapati Rao, Bhimaneni Srinivasa Rao are acting in prominent roles. Dr.Vijaya prasad malla is producing this movie on Welfare Creations banner. The movie is expected to release in March.
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