Ranbir Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor did perform on stage in a recent award function where they paid an ode to yesteryear stars like Shammi Kapoor and Dev Anand whose demise in recent times had left the industry with an irreplaceable void. Though their complete jig was of few minutes but despite of that their chemistry rocked the audience. And this has made Ranbir approach Shahid to participate in his world tour. It was reported in recent past that Shahid who was earlier a prominent star attraction in Ranbir’s talked about world tour had opted out of the tour for reasons known best to him.
But after bonding with him during the award function, Ranbir eagerly wants Shahid to join him on the tour. Ranbir’s father Rishi Kapoor who is heading the tour confirmed the story. “Shahid and Ranbir have become good friends in recent times. He is likely to join us on the world tour” said Rishi. If things turn out in their favor it will be quite a treat to see two of the hottest ‘Kapoors’ to perform together on stage.
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