There was a popular television serial ‘Preethi Illadha Mele’ and actor like Yash was part of this mega soap. Now a Kannada film ‘Preethiyindha’ is evolving with young buddy Rakesh taking on the central role of this love, sentiment and action cinema with Sonia Gowda as counterpart for Rakesh.
Shot in to fame from ‘Josh’ actor Rakesh had good time in ‘Manasology’ and his ‘Parie’ is highly expected film. The film ‘Preethiyindha’ by producers Mamatha and Arun Kumar in the debut is all about emotions. The College boy and girl fall in love but what happens after love blossoming is explained in curious way. Raju Halagur is making debut as director from this film.
A Kannada speaking Sonia Gowda residing in Mumbai feels happy for this film coming in her way. She worked as anchor in television channels. Lakshmi Chandrasekhar is playing the elderly role.
Rajesh Ramanath is scoring the music for four songs. Sudhir Atthavar director of ‘Parie’ has lent the songs for the film. S Ramesh is the cameraman. Shooting for this film will be held at Bengaluru, Mahadeshwara Hills, Sakleshpur, Mutthathi and other places shooing will be held from the first week of February 2012.
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