The new pair hitting the silver screen from ‘Pagade’ – Vishwas Bharadwaj the famous television actor of Kadambari, Rathasapthami is with a model aspirant in live Gamya in ‘Pagade’ – based on the real life happening as the thread for the film.
The popular actor Vishwas Bharadwaj believes strongly that a team effort can make a win. He is not with any tension in his first commercial venture as hero. I need to work out a lot and my preparation is a secret he says.
It is not only new faces on the silver screen but also new producer from this ‘Pagade’. Annappa of Manchanayakanahalli, vice President of Taluk Panchayat arrives as producer with devotional films director Purushottam (Omkar earlier) handling the first commercial flick ‘Pagade’ starring popular television actor Vishwas Bharadwaj and Gamya in the lead roles.
The 2009 developed appeared in the print media is the base for story writer of the film Harshavardhana. Krish Joshi a knowledgeable person and director of ‘Gandhi Smiles’ has written the dialogues and added more values to the screenplay. According to Krish Joshi the inter cuts, flash cuts and non convention style of narration – starting from 9th scene and catching the first scene in the film – this pattern is not to confuse but to give a convincing narration to the film ‘Pagade’. ‘Daryadil’ of Shahruk Khan is very near to the narration of ‘Pagade’ says Krish Joshi.
Purushottam alias Omkar of Renukacharya Mahatme, Sri Jnanajyothi Siddaganga etc is basically a writer and contributed work for over 100 audio cassettes. This is his first commercial venture in Kannada.
This is a mysterious love story and there are many twists and turns. The film has been bought by Rajkot Kamble even before the launch to Hyderabad Karnataka and Bombay Karnataka says the happy director.
This is the 50th film of cameraman Gauri Venkatesh. Sagar Nagabhushan is scoring five tunes in which two are dream songs. A song on social service is also part of this film.
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