One of the prolific director and producer of Kannada cinema with two decades of experience S Narayan on his ready for release Kannada film ‘Munjane’ on March 2, the day he launches new Kannada film ‘Chowdaiah’ says only Golden star Ganesh aptly suits the ‘Munjane’ subject.
While writing the story Ganesh got his placement. After completing the script it was looking different for me as interpretations changes in me. When I narrated the script to Ganesh he did not question on anything. He only said when I am starting the film. That confidence given by a hero is enough for a creative director to add up good elements. It is a special role. I would do what you tell me he disclosed. Once he started doing the role he went to the skin of the role. When Manjari joined our team she adjusted so well and helped in improving my thoughts from her performance.
Ganesh of ‘Cheluvina Chittara’ and ‘Shyloo’ is different in this film ‘Munjane’. As a love lost person, pet son to his parents in every frame two shades of an actor you would see in this film says Narayan.
Ganesh carries three shades at a time. His heart says something, he talks and expresses from the eyes differently. Writing inside the four walls is easier. But performing it before the camera is difficult. This is what Golden star Ganesh has done it complements S Narayan.
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