Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt is gearing up for his next production venture 'Aashique 2' that is a sequel to 1990's musical blockbuster hit flick titled by the same name. The film was apparently a commercial success and it won critical acclamations as well. The film marked the Bollywood debut of Rahul Roy and Anu Agarwal. Apparently, filmmaker Mohit Suri is keen on directing the second installment of franchise under Mahesh Bhatt's production house, Vishesh Films.
Mahesh states that his upcoming film would be an autobiographical film and it is about his first love story. 'The best kept secret about 'Aashiqui..' is that it is also an autobiographical film, as it deals with the story of my very first love,' Bhatt posted on micro-blogging site, Twitter. Apparently, Bhatt claims that his forthcoming flick is not a remake, it is a different story penned down by script writer Shagufta Rafique.
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