Ever since Filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar confirmed the news of casting his forthcoming flick's leading lady Kareena Kapoor for two item songs, interest has been generated. One of the two item songs is titled as 'Halkat Jawani'. The song would be of Maharashtrian folk dance 'Lavani' style and Bebo would apparently don 'Kashta' attire similar to one which Katrina Kaif donned in her last item song 'Chikni Chameli' from 'Agneeapath'.
Buzz was going round that lately actor Vidya Balan also danced to similar dance form in her item number song in Sharman Joshi starrer 'Ferrari Ki Sawari'. Though the filmmaker has not yet decided whom he would rope in to sing the item number, music- composer duo Salim- Sulaiman would lend music to the songs.
Once Bebo finishes shooting for this item song, details of the second item song would be revealed, admits Bhandarkar.
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