B-town's veteran actor Karisma Kapoor who is all set to mark her comeback in Bollywood through Vikram Bhatt's ambitious directorial venture 'Dangerous Ishq' would now join the big league of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Mallika Sherawat who had earlier made it to the Cannes Film Festival to promote their respective films. Reportedly, filmmaker Vikram Bhatt is in talks with the organizers to show case his upcoming film at Cannes.
The forthcoming flick of Vikram is his most ambitious 3D venture. Even Karisma is looking forward to this film as she was away from the silver screen from past six years due to motherhood. However, the filmmaker has not yet confirmed the news. Karisma has films like 'Raja Hindustani', 'Biwi No.1', 'Jeet', and 'Coolie No.1' to her credit. Lolo has also won critical acclamations for her performances in 'Fiza' and 'Zubeidaa'.
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