Just in recent times it was reported that Filmmaker Karan Johar is so impressed with Kareena Kapoor’s performance in his latest production, ‘Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu’ that he was willing to produce a film which will be directed by Kareena herself.
However Karan being the outspoken and frank filmmaker claimed that all the stories were rumors and had no truth in them. He says that Kareena is extremely good at her job as an actress and hence she doesn’t needs to shift her focus away from acting.
“Kareena is a great actor and all she should do is act. I don’t think I will ever lumber the job of a director on her, she is too beautiful for that” said Karan.
However talking about Kareena the actor, Karan claimed that he is proud of Kareena’s work “We consider Kareena to be our in-house Dharma girl. I am happy to see that she has being praised for her performances” added KJO.
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