Veteran Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit who had earlier hosted reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa’s previous season would continue to be the part of show. However, the reality show which was earlier aired on Sony Channel has now switched on to rival channel Colors. Speculations were going rife that Madhuri may not be a part of the upcoming season of the reality show as she
turned brand ambassador to a rival channel and makers of the show were giving second thoughts to approach her. However, the 'Dhak Dhak' girl from the beginning was keen to be a part of the show as dancing is what excites the 38-year-old most. The makers of the show have not yet revealed the celebrity participants’ names as well as the other judges. However, Madhuri has confirmed to play judge on the show. The yesteryear actor is gearing up get her waxed statue unveiled at London's Madame Tussuads Museum in March.
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