Bollywood handsome hunk John Abraham seems to be quite unfazed with the recent comments that his ex-flame, actor Bipasha Basu passed on him. Apparently, in a candid interview with a leading daily Bipasha was quoted saying that John is getting old and he should now get married. When John was contacted to reveal his reaction on Bips's comments, the actor stated that he is not reading newspapers from past four and half years and however, had not read any such news about him.
John was completely unaware of whether Bipasha really said something like this. The actor is now busy with the promotions of Sajid Khan's 'Housefull 2', shooting of Abbas-Mustan's 'Race 2' and Sanjay Gupta's 'Shootout At Wadala'. Meanwhile, John is also working on his production house JA Entertainment's debut film 'Vicky Donor' which is directed by Shoojit Sircar.
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