Vidya Balan has always claimed that ever since she can remember she has been in awe of Shah Rukh Khan. She keeps urging and expressing her desire of someday romancing Shah Rukh Khan onscreen. But however her small gig on stage during a recently held award function stunned everyone when she called Shah Rukh Khan to be like her ‘Brother’ in the presence of the complete film industry. She was recently spotted at the DVD launch of her last hit ‘The Dirty Picture’ and it was here that she revealed that she can never imagine to have SRK as her brother in real or reel life and whatever she said on stage was a part of the act. She even criticized the act and exclaimed that she was unhappy with the fact that she had to call her favorite romantic star as her brother.
“I did not find that act interesting. I felt very sad that I called him my brother,” said Vidya. She further added that she doesn’t cares who on this planet refers to SRK as ‘brother’ but for her she says that at least in this life the possibilities of referring SRK as her brother were nil. “The world can call Shah Rukh their brother, but I will never call him my brother,” chuckled Vidya.
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