At the second film ‘Sankranthi’ time popular actor Jaggesh son Gururaj has shown too good temperament at the media address on Monday evening at Green House Raj Milan.
Gururaj Jaggesh taking the onus of explaining all about the film when director Mussanje Mahesh and producer RS Gowda did not give proper explanation and for the array of questions from the media Gururaj cool temper answer was notable indeed.
Gururaj says ‘Sankranthi’ is not a different subject but best efforts have been put in to give new feel to the audience. A producer like RS Gowda who looks for spending Rupee one and getting 10 rupees with passion in him I have critically analyzed my film. ‘Sankranthi’ is slightly better than my debut ‘Gilli’. This film is a mother sentiment film. After one year gap I am back to acting. The role of Suryaprakash I play is filled with mother sentiment, love and physical attack. In the reel life of ‘Sankranthi’ and real life I am attached to my mother very much says Gururaj. For me the best friend is my mother Smt Parimala Jaggesh.
My one point agenda in doing variety of roles is to carry forward the name earned by my father Mr Jaggesh – Gururaj has set his goals.
At the media briefing of ‘Sankranthi’ Gururaj was appreciated as ‘Wise and Intelligent’ by actress Roopasri.
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