With one film ‘Dangura’ pending, one failure Manasugala Mathu Madura and one film scrapped after the muhurut director cum producer Manju Maskalmatti completed the shooting for ‘Gowri Puthra’ that has the strong shades of Tamil film ‘Raman Thediya Seethe’. He has even obtained the rights from Moser Bear Company. ‘Gowri Puthra’ a has completed 14 patch work for a song at Manchina Bale Dam a few days ago. Nikitha Tukral and Akshay took part in the patch work and in the evening it was breaking of pumpkin for the team.
For the song Nanna Edeyolage Nadiyondhu Odidhe….director Manju Maskalmatti offered the
guidelines required as the choreographer Dhankumar was not present. Chandra Mohan has done choreography for two songs. Director Manju Maskalmatti shot for 35 days to complete the shoot for this film.
Akshay looking handsome is a truthful guy in this love journey role. Nikitha plays Ranjitha that has variety for her. Several shades in one film not anyone would leave it say pretty Nikitha. Nikitha goes on the theory told by Manirathnam and Fazil. Even one shot in the film is enough to prove the potentiality.
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