The Kannada film producer a realtor Goverdhan Murthy facing the murder charge of actor Vinod Kumar was posted to police custody by the 11th ACMM court in an order.
Goverdhan Murthy is now at the Parappana Agrahara cell. It seems Goverdhan Murthy threatened from jail the witness Shanthakumar. For the inquiry in this regard the accused has been handed over to police for one day.
It was on October 8, 2008 midnight at Bagaluru Farm House ‘Madesha’ Kannada film producer Goverdhan Murthy triggered his gun and that killed Vinodkumar. Sampige Halli police limited filed the case on the producer. Seven others names are also listed in the FIR are missing.
Vinod Kumar a land lord aged 32 an actor was shot by producer of ‘Madesha’ (Shivarajakumar and Ravi Belegere starring Ravi Srivatsa directed film) Goverdhan Murthy. Vinod Kumar was a resident of Ramaswamypalya near Kammanahalli.
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