Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone's name has been confirmed to play the coveted role in Tamil movie 'Kochadaiyaan' opposite south superstar Rajnikanth. Till date, it was Katrina Kaif who was in talks with the filmmakers of 'Kochadaiyaan' to play the female lead, however none of them confirmed the news. Apparently, Rajnikanth's daughter Soundarya who would be directing the film has confirmed the news. 'Guys. Deepika Padukone confirmed to play appa s pair in 'Kochadaiyaan' ? great to have you back with us @deepikapadukone ?? big hug!' posted Soundarya on micro blogging site, Twitter.
The film is supposed to be the most ambitious project of Rajnikanth as well his daughter-filmmaker Soundarya as the film would be shot in 3D with motion capture. Apparently, Deepika was earlier working with the superstar for 'Rana'; however the film was put on hold reasoning Rajnikanth's poor health. Now, the film would go on the floors only after 'Kochadaiyaan' completes, confirms a source close to the 61-year-old actor.
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