With the information revealed by Jagan's arrested auditor Vijayasai Reddy the CBI sleuths are making some quick moves. As the deadline to file a charge sheet in this case is approaching fast, CBI is now seeking details of foreign investors who have allegedly sent money to Jagan's firms.
The CBI has sent an LR (Letter Rogatory) with approval from the CBI Court to the external affairs ministry, which will be sent to respected countries for details. Basing on this letter, the foreign authorities will question the concerned companies and will forward their statements back here. Companies either owned by Jagan or some of his benefactors in Luxembourg, British Virgin Islands, Singapore, Mauritius, Dubai and Malaysia are believed to be the investors. CBI charged Jagan that he routed money from such companies into his entities as part of quid pro quo arrangement whereby the benefactors will be assigned government lands, mining leases and projects. Information revealed by Vijaysai is vital in zeroing on these companies to book Jagan in money laundering cases through foreign countries, says CBI sources.
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